Wednesday, April 30, 2014

You Try Too Hard

A relationship with God is not hard. I see it time and time again, someone mentions how hard it is to surrender, or overcome, or humble themselves, or what have you. My response to this exclamation of despair is this, “you're doing it wrong!” If your relationship with God is impossible for you to obtain and makes you depressed just to think about it, then in truth, you have no relationship with God at all. At least the God I worship is not the same God you do. 
You see, my God is not interested in your sacred rituals, your acts of devotion, your morning prayers, your scheduled study of his word, or even your acts of piety, dedication to the church, or feeding the homeless. All of these things are not bad things in and of themselves; the problem arises when you start to see them as a requirement for the Christian life. Christianity has made all of these things into an idol, we worship the actions rather than the God behind them. 
I often hear people say, I need to surrender my will to God; I need to surrender my desires to him, or my love, etc. etc. The list of what we "need" to surrender to God can go on and on. This is also wrong. God originally endowed humanity with a mind. We have an amazing gift, the ability to choose, to desire, to want, to love, to cherish, and to make plans, to develop our future. God has given us these things so that we can experience all of creation. We were created to give meaning to the universe God has created. We are here to explore this tiny little speck of dust that is our world and now today, our solar system. We are the universe contemplating itself. We give it purpose and meaning. God does not desire to take that away from you.
Christianity has so distorted the character of God that they have made into a good thing, that which is evil, the destruction of human choice and will power. They see it as an act of humility to surrender your wants and desires to God. God gave them to you, why refuse his gift given in love? It is an understanding of Him that God desires of you. God desires to be known, to be understood on your level, to have a relationship with you. That can only be achieved if you discover him in your own. You must discover who God is to you, to see that he is Love itself, that understanding him is absolute joy, love, life, freedom, and knowledge. Only when we see God for who He is will our will be his will, our thoughts his thoughts and our desires those which He Himself would have. By beholding we become changed and until we behold how awesome and infinite our God is, we will not be able to “surrender" anything. You see, until "surrender" no longer feels like surrender, you have not done anything worthwhile. Until surrender feels like your normal thought, like your natural decision, you do not understand God correctly. 

I am not there yet, but I strive for that. I do not worry about that which I do not do; I worry about where I am at in my personal understanding of who God is. I do not make lists of do’s and don’ts, I look to nature, to science, to scripture, and I study the awesome character of God, because only then will I see an actual change in my life. My life is full of joy, every moment is new and incredible and happy. I do not fear for my salvation because I am starting on a road that leads to eternity, the searching of the awesome infinity that is God. Depression, despair, anxiety and fear, all of those things are no more. That does not mean I will never be sad, or never experience anger or depression, but they are nothing like they were in my life before. I wake up every morning praising God for the miracle that is life. My life is full if joy because I have caught a glimpse of God. By beholding I am becoming changed. Try it, start focusing on your understanding of God and stop trying so hard to please him, instead start focusing on who he is and then allow that revelation to change you. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Miracles are Not the Miracle

Chapter 8
Miracles are Not the Miracle
            I just wanted to briefly discuss a topic that many people take equally as many positions on. This will be a brief discussion encompassing only one short chapter. If you want an extremely detailed discussion of this topic, there is a really great book by C.S. Lewis, called Miracles. C.S. Lewis’ thoughts on this subject are extremely insightful and probably are the source for the bulk of my beliefs that I will discuss in this chapter.
            So let’s jump right in to it. If the universe operates off of certain rules, and everything behaves based on these observed rules, then wouldn’t God be breaking his own rules to do something contrary to what He has determined? Let me ask you a question. Which miracles defied the course of nature? “All of them!” you might say. Well, let’s take a look at a few and see. I want to propose to you before we start this study of the Miracles of God, that God does nothing without obeying the laws He has set in place, and that every miracle is following the nature result of the laws of nature, with only slight deviations. The miracles of God happen every day! They are not reserved for single points in time, but occur on a giant scale every single day.
            God created the entire universe so that we could experience who He is. Everything in existence was created for the express purpose of interaction. God created reality so that we could understand Him, thus his interactions are almost always through natural processes. This does not limit God; the idea that God limits himself by using natural laws is self-defeating. If God created reality for the express purpose of interaction then why is it limiting of him to use it for it's intended purpose? It defies logic to think in such terms. Thus, if studied out fully, we would probably find that all miracles, small and great, have a natural cause. Existence itself is the true miracle. The very fact that life happens and that existence thrives is evidence of THE miracle. Let’s look at a few miracles found in the Bible and see if my theory holds true.
            Let’s start with the foundation of Christianity, the virgin birth. Did not God destroy the natural in interfering and making a virgin conceive? Isn’t this breaking His own law? Let’s look at this from a different perspective. How does conception normally happen? A man and a woman each provide a piece of themselves, the man provides sperm, and the female an egg, and a baby is created. How is this possible? It seems impossible when you actually think of it. How is it possible for two to be made one, and for something as complex as a human to arise out of two single cells? It seems like a miracle, that is why it is often called, “The miracle of life.” With the virgin birth, God did not break his law, only continued on with what He has been doing all along. It was nothing more than supplying what was needed for a baby to be conceived, and then nature followed the results of nature and a virgin conceived and bore a son. God did not break His law, He simply extended what was already a miracle of nature and Jesus was born.
            Let’s choose another one, take the withering of the tree, I’ll quote it for you,
“And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.”[1]
            Magic! That is what it seems like to us. Does God have magic that he can curse the tree and at his command it dies? Well, I want to ask you, is this any different than what happens every day? Trees in the forest die, and wither away. The withering of the tree in the Bible was nothing more than what we observe every day on a huge, worldwide scale! Go out in to a forest and look around you, trees with vibrant colors, different shaped leaves, and different kinds of bark, all grow up from a single seed, they grow tall and reach for the sky, and then they wither, their leaves fade and fall and the tree begins to decompose, it falls over and gives life to the next generation of animals and plants. This is the natural process of life. Which one is more a miracle, the withering of the cursed tree, or the beautiful, self sustained forest? Are they not both, one in the same?
            How about the feeding of the 5,000 people from 5 loaves and 2 fishes? Surely that miracle is beyond any natural cause. There is nothing in nature that speaks to that great of an actin. Let’s look at a single seed of grain, one grain seed produces dozens of other grains seeds. It is the natural “law” of multiplication. The fishes in the sea multiply by the thousands. This miracle of life is so vast that it supplies every living soul on the planet, man and animal alike are fed buy the miracle of multiplication. On the mountain, God did nothing more than that which happens every single day, and has been happening from the beginning of time! I do not share this to diminish the miracles of God, only to show that the true miracles of God are the miracles of everyday life. Our life is one giant miracle, reality is a miracle, existence is a miracle, conception is a miracle, and time and space itself are miracles.

            Even take Jesus’ very first miracle ever performed, turning water to wine. You might think at first glance, “Aha! We caught God doing something that doesn’t normally happen, turning one thing into another.” Well, let me ask you this, how is wine made? The roots of a grape vine take up the water and absorb the sunshine, and produce flowers, those flowers swell and become grapes, and in those grapes glucose, starches, and antioxidants are formed, making up the grape juice. It is a miracle that water is turned to grape juice inside the grape, but it happens every day on a massive, worldwide scale. The only difference between Jesus’ miracle and what happens every day is that Jesus did the miracle on a much smaller scale, and he did it much quicker than would normally happen inside the grape. So which miracle is more astounding to you then, turning 6 pots of water to wine, or turning water to wine in billions of grapes every year? Just because it is ordinary and we observe it every single day, does not make it any less of a miracle.
            God is in the business of miracle making. It does not break the laws of nature for Him to perform miracles either. These so called “laws” we refer to are extremely limited in what they actually explain. As mentioned in previous chapters, the “laws” of nature describe everything in the universe after an event has occurred. They describe how a ball in motion will act as it is thrown, they do not however describe the throwing of the ball. The laws of nature, in short, describe everything but the event, they cannot make things happen. An object at rest will stay at rest until acted upon by a force. This is a law of nature; the force by which the ball moved is never actually described. Let’s say that a person then comes along and pushes the ball, ah, now we can calculate it and describe its motion by the laws of physics. It took free will, however, for the person to move the ball, they chose to push the ball and that choice science can never explain.
C.S. Lewis had another masterful example that I will use to make this point clear. Say there is a ball on a spaceship in outer space. The ball is at rest with its surroundings, there is nothing to interfere with it, but suddenly the ship lurches and the ball rolls relative to the ship. “Aha!” you might say, “The ball moved without freewill acting on it!” but did it? The ball moved because the ship lurched, but what caused the ship to lurch? Waves hit the ship, perhaps in the form of gravitational disturbance, or some such thing, and what caused that? As you keep going farther and farther back you eventually come to the big bang, and what caused that disturbance? Something with free will had to choose for it to happen, indeed, the free will agent had to make it happen.[2]
So you see, we are a crucial part of miracles every day; the miracle of involuntary action by the voluntary actions of a being with free will. We have the ability to choose which objects we move and which we don’t. Science will never be able to explain the cause of the event they study. These “laws” of science that people hold to so strongly, are not laws at all. They are a description of how things move once they have been caused to move. The laws of nature do not take into account that free will plays a role in the turning of the universe. We humans, as free will agents, shape the universe around us. We decide how it is going to act, and what is going to be produced by those actions. How much more can God do?
If we, as created beings, can shape the universe around us by the gift of free will, how much more do you suppose God can shape our universe through so called “miracles”, as the giver of free will? Remember the example of the pool table and the scientist? Science is studying the pool table with great skill and accuracy, but they have forgotten to take into account that free will agents may alter the path of the pool balls at any point. God, standing outside of time and space itself, can, at any moment, change the circumstances of their study and “ruin” their perfectly constructed experiment, we would call these miracles, science would call them impossibilities.
In my view, the universe exists inside the mind of God. Perhaps picture the matrix, but with the one difference, it is not created machines that we exist inside of, but a loving God, who has given us the ability of free will. Yes, as we have studied, reality may just be our imagination, things are relative to the observer, and time and space can be twisted and distorted in ways that we are just learning to understand through relativity and quantum physics. Instead of despairing and desiring to be in the realm of God, which in the next chapter you will learn is impossible, we look at this universe in awe of the God who created it, and not only gave us the gift of life, but gave us the gift of free will. There are no “agents” going around making sure no one learns the truth. God has given us every bit of truth possible for us to know, and his given us the ability to discover truth for all eternity. He has made himself known through the miracles He performs around us, He has nothing to hide.
God created reality around us for the express purpose of knowing Him. All things in existence are to point us to our creator. It is our duty to study, to search out, and to question the things around us. This miracle of existence is THE miracle. So often we ask for signs to prove to us that God exists. We desire to know for a certainty that God is real and a part of us. This desire is a human one. We want God to be like us, and we are frustrated when it turns out He is not. Yet we can know something about God, by studying the world around us we can gain a deeper knowledge of what God is. As David said, “The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork.”[3]
So often we demand of God a sign, but in so doing we miss the whole point of life. We live our lives from one “miracle” to the next, always looking for that “big break”. It is like a person who desires to get rich but instead of working towards his goal sits back and waits for opportunity to come to him. To such a person Jesus said, “Why does this generation seek after a sign? I say that there will be no sign given to this generation.”[4] We need to wake up. After studying this amazing universe we live in, how can we still live a mundane life? God has given you abilities beyond your wildest dreams; it is your choice to take control of your own destiny. What will you do with the Miracle God has given you?

Prolog To Part 1
Here ends a brief study of the created universe we live in. I have not even gone into depth of all that science has taught us. I did not speak of M-theory, or the reason why the electromagnetic force is millions of times stronger than gravity itself. I did not discuss biology and the irreducibly complex cell. Nor did I discuss the mystery of the human intellect. This book is not meant to be a science textbook; I only wish that you gain a deep understanding of the mystery of God. God is not like us. He is not an elevated human, created in the image of our imagination. God is beyond our ability to understand.
I have written about these things because I believe it is safer to view God as an impersonal force, or the essence of things, than it is to see him as just an elevated human, for if God is an elevated human, than He is no longer God, and if He is not God, than why should we say He exists at all? After all, through all our scientific research, we have seen no proof of an elevated Human out there anywhere. Science has rightly rejected such a God, and I plead with you to reject Him as well. Learn to see God as He is, as the intellect that crafted this universe, which created it, and is the sustainer of it. The creator of time and space itself, his wisdom can be seen in the stars, and his mind and character can be found by studying His creation.
As we traverse into the next section of this book, I want to ask that you once again, put aside your ideas of who you think God is, and what you think His character is like. Kill the God of contemporary religion. Study with me as we explore the character of this imaginary God. A God so great, that He created such a complex universe dependent on massive distances that are beyond our comprehension, and built it on such small particles of energy that we cannot imagine them. Yet, while He is great enough to do all of that, He still cares for you and me, and is intimately involved in our experience, as you will learn to see in the next section, God is love, and His goal for you and me is happiness and peace forever.

[1] Matthew 21:19
[2] Lewis, C.S. Miracles.
[3] Psalms 19:1
[4] Mark 8:11

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

"God IS" – 22 statements of belief

This is a list of 22 statements that briefly describe the basis of my faith. This is here simply for you to orient yourself as I discuss certain subjects. This list is not exhaustive, it is extremely basic and should not be used solely in understanding what I believe. For more detailed descriptions of these issues you must read the chapters of my book that I post on this blog. I cannot explain each idea in a short sentence, truth is not for the lazy, you cannot simply read a list and understand, you must study long and deep before you understand fully. I dislike lists like these because it reminds me of the 28 fundamental beliefs. As short general statements of belief they are good, but there is danger in them as well, laziness being top among them. Too many people point to a set of statements as their belief system without ever truly exploring it for themselves, don't be that person. My understanding is fluid and constantly changing as I grow in my understanding of God. This document reflects my current understanding of God today, but may not be he same tomorrow as I am continually learning more and more about the character of God in new and exciting ways. I reserve the righty to change this document to reflect growth in my understanding as revelation is inevitable to those who search for it.

1. God is Non-existent. He created existence, he himself does not exist inside of it.

2. God does not have any created form besides that which he choses to relate to us through the 3 dimensional revelation of himself through Jesus/Michael.

3. God is infinite energy and infinite mass contained in zero volume. In other words, he is what is needed for the universe to exist.

4. God is love, not the emotion, but the essence of love. 

5. God does not have emotions, for emotions are created to help finite beings understand what God is but we cannot think of God in created terms. To describe God as wrathful, vengeful, judgmental, loving etc. does not describe God correctly. We ascribe human emotions to God, it is humanities way of understanding, but it is not accurate. 

6. Any definitions we place on God cannot actually describe him.

7. The universe is the 3 dimensional representation of the "mind" of God. 

8. God created every aspect of reality to explain himself.

9. God is multidimensional, he cannot be describe by 1, 2, 3, or even 10 different dimensions.

10. The idea of a trinity is a man made understanding of God. It is a way in which we can understand the multidimensionality of God in our own terms.

11. The Father is: the dimension of God that cannot be understood by humanity. It is the type of God that explains the nonexistence of his person. It explains that all though we have aspects of God we think we know, God is beyond it.

12. The Son is: the aspect of God that is in the form of creation. This is God relating to us. To the angels he was Michael, to fallen humanity he is Jesus. Jesus is simply the dimensional aspect of the greater whole that is God. One God but different aspects of the same concept. 

13. The Spirit is: the concept of God that describes a relationship with the infinite. The Holy Spirit is my relationship with God. This is why the sin against the spirit is considered the unpardonable sin, because if you choose to end your relationship with God, he cannot force a relationship. Relationship and force are mutually exclusive, so when you decide to end the relationship you "kill" the spirit since the spirit is a name for the idea of friendship with the infinite. 

14. God is not arbitrary: evil is not evil because God says so, but because we have the free will to choose nonexistence. Evil is whatever leads us to choose to be outside of the existence god has created. Evil is a choice. Heaven is not exclusively for "righteous" people, heaven is self selective. Those who choose it just happen to be "righteous". "Evil" people will not choose heaven because they self select nonexistence. Heaven is NOT a reward for good behavior, heaven is something you can choose. 

15. God is not controlling: God designed free will in the very existence of reality. Quantum mechanics guarantees that each of us has the ability to choose for ourselves. Free choice can not be determined absolutely, only estimated through behavior. 

16. God created reality so that we could understand Him, thus his interactions are almost always through natural processes. This does not limit God, the idea that God limits himself by using natural laws is self defeating. If God created reality for the express purpose of interaction then why is it limiting of him to use it for it's intended purpose? It defies logic to think in such terms. Thus, if studied out fully, we would probably find that all miracles, small and great, have a natural cause. Existence itself is the true miracle. The very fact that life happens and that existence thrives is evidence of THE miracle.

17. Belief in God and correct actions gain you nothing but what their own benefit can bring to you naturally. God gives the potential blessings of life, love and happiness to everyone alike equally. To the atheist, life, love and happiness, to the Christian life, love and happiness, to the satanist, life, love and happiness, all alike regardless of decisions made. Any negative aspects of life come from the natural consequences of the decisions we make themselves. Bad things are not the divine retribution of God but the consequences of life decisions. This does not limit God, as stated before, this IS the way God chose to create reality to work. If he intended reality to work a different way he would have created it the other way. 

18. Prayer is for our own benefit. We pray not so God can hear, but so that we can change. Prayer is a type of meditation, it teaches us what we really desire, it calms us, it puts us In a state of mind to search our hearts, and to review our circumstances. God does not change circumstances, but he has given us the ability to change them, and to learn from them. God has designed us with the amazing ability to discern, learn, explore and reason. 

19. Revelation is our experiences with God. Men wrote as they were moved by the spirit. The spirit is the relationship we have with the divine, I have written as I have been moved by the experiences I have had with God. Paul wrote as he experienced his connection with God, Ellen White wrote as she was moved by her connection with God and experience with him. Andrew Murray wrote as he was moved by his experience with God. Since god has created our brain to discover and question,and has created the universe to help us understand him, it is crucial that we question and reason, study and explore the world and universe around us. Science, philosophy and all study that leads to understanding is the key to revelation. 

20. The Bible is the experiences of dozens of individuals all experiencing different aspects of God. God relates to each individual differently. The apparent differences in understanding in the Bible do not point to its falsehood, but it's truth. We need the experiences of others in order to gain a more complete picture of the Character of God. There may be specific cases of "special" revelation, but the majority of divine revelation is simply the written experiences of men and women of faith. Thus, not only should we read the bible in its literary context, but in cultural context as well. The Bible devoid of culture does not make sense. Not all understandings found in the Bible can be transferred to a modern way of thinking, such as slavery, male superiority etc. To understand those concepts you must compare it with the culture of the time, and every time you will discover the Bible to be progressive in its beliefs. According to our culture it may not be progressive, but according to their culture, it was. Thus, truth does not end at the Bible but follows the trajectory of it carrying truth to its intended goal. 

21. Humanity fell: This fall was simply a choice to walk out of the presence of God. We should have ceased to exist at that moment since to be outside of the reality of God is to not exist. God bent reality to include us, however, so that we would not die, he saved us for a plan that he desired to implement, a plan by which he could reveal himself to humanity and cause us to desire eternity once again.

22. Salvation: because of humanities decision to be outside of the presence of God, terrible things happen in this world. Not because of some magical force called sin, but because humans make some pretty terrible decisions that effect the lives of others. God does not cause the pain in the world, or allow it even, he has simply created reality to work a certain way, we have chosen to pervert that system, and now chance is the major ruler of this world rather than our own decisions. Man was originally supposed to be in control of his reality, to shape it as he saw fit, and that is what God desires to bring us back in to. Through Jesus, God revealed to the world that He is a personable God who desires to interact with his creation. The entire life of Jesus was meant to reveal the character of God. Jesus showed that It is in your power to take control of your own reality and to shape it for the betterment of the world around you. You can choose what you desire, and God has revealed his character in hopes that your desire is life.

22. God is Love. You will notice I state this twice because I believe it is the central foundation to my philosophy. He is the essence of what it means to love. Everything created is guiding us to understand what that means. God's primary purpose for you and me is eternal happiness, joy, and love. As we experience the universe around us and relationships with each other we connect with the divine and gain deeper and deeper knowledge of what God is. "We are the universe contemplating itself" in other words, we were created to comprehend God. Piece by piece we are stitching a picture together, and hopefully step by step we will regain that image of God that we were created to understand and have since lost. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

You Can't Know

Chapter 7
You Can't Know
            Quantum Mechanics was the bane of Einstein’s existence. As stated in chapter two, Einstein could not reconcile the supposed disorder of quantum mechanics to his theory of Relativity. No matter how many recalculations Einstein made, the results were the same. It seemed as though the quantum level operated with a different set of rules than the universal physical world. In the quantum level there is no way to determine the position and direction of an object at the same time. You can’t pin anything down in the quantum world. There is no up, down, left, right, or even before and after. All these 3 dimensional representations of reality disappear.
            As talked about a little bit in the second chapter, Quantum was developed when it was noticed that the electron acted differently purely based on whether or not you were observing it. It was almost as if the electron, and any subatomic particle for that matter, had a brain of its own and knew when we were observing it. In a normal, double slit experiment, the photon acted like we would expect, a wave. It produced an interference pattern of a wave. However, when scientists decided to see if they could find out which slit the electron actually went through they discovered something that blew their minds. When they found the exact location of the photon, it produced an interference pattern as though it was a particle, with no wave properties at all. This was ridiculous, and rejected by many scientists. How could one piece of matter be two different things in the exact same experiment?

This really is the most significant piece of information that we have obtained from quantum mechanics. The very act of observing changes the way the universe operates. This revolutionized science. No longer could experiments be taken at their face value. In fact, reality itself can no longer be taken at face value. The very act of observing our surroundings changes how they actually act. Does this sound a little like magic to you? If it doesn’t you probably don’t get it yet. The old question, “If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make any sound?” is actually a legitimate question. In fact, it can be taken one step further, “If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is there to see it, did it actually happen?” The answer is no. According to many scientists today, nothing exists until it is observed. We change what “exists” and doesn’t just by existing and observing what is around us.
These experiments showed that it is impossible to obtain exact experimental data. This provides astounding implications for the entire universe, not just the electrons, but for all things that contain matter. All data must be taken as relative to the observer. There is no reason to believe that what is observed could not behave differently. We literally can only study what is inside our reality, and bringing anything into that reality changes the way in which it behaves. Not only that, but no electron can be calculated because it could be anywhere or everywhere at one time. It is impossible to know the location of any subatomic particle.
If we lived in a Quantum world, there would be no way to know if we were here, or over there, or in both places at once. In fact, we would not even be able to know the time at which we arrived at a certain destination. Did, we arrive just now, or have we not yet arrived at our destination and will be there in a few seconds, or did we arrive before we arrived? Quantum mechanics explains much more than just the electron and subatomic particles. It holds implications for real life as well. It explains what actually happens in our world.
In quantum mechanics, there is a chance that anything can happen. We can’t know for certain the outcome of a certain experiment. We can only calculate the probability of the outcome occurring. For instance, according to the quantum theory, it is completely possible to walk straight through a solid brick wall, because at some point in time, all our molecules would randomly line up in a precise way with the molecules of the wall, which would allow us to step straight through it. The only problem is that it would take you nearly an eternity to do so. This theory is so accurate that Quantum mechanics has never contradicted an experiment, but neither has relativity, and yet they were so completely opposed to each other. One makes the assumption that everything in the universe is understand able and obeys the speed of light. It is a very organized world and very rule oriented and non-contradictory. Quantum mechanics on the other hand is totally different, everything is changing, the rules of the natural world don’t apply, reality begins to break down, and nothing is solid and known. Both cannot both be right, because both theories require the other one to be false.
You can see why Einstein made his statement, “God does not play dice!” Einstein refused to believe that a God of order would create something disorderly. Einstein was not overly religious, do not extract from my writing that Einstein was a religious man, he was not, but he had at least a basic belief in a God. This basic belief however, was Einstein’s undoing. Who is Einstein to say what God does or doesn’t do? He limited his understanding because of his basic belief in what God could or couldn’t do. It is extremely important that we recognize how much greater God is, for that one belief shapes every belief that comes after it. Niels Bohr responded to Einstein’s rash statement by saying, “Einstein! Stop telling God what to do!”[1]
It was clear that to reconcile these two theories that have been tested hundreds of thousands of times, every time both being confirmed, there had to be a larger theory that encompassed both. For example, black holes follow both Quantum and Relativity. Black holes are so immensely small that they do not follow the laws of the General Theory of Relativity, but yet their density is so large, that their gravitation impact does not obey the laws of Quantum either. Both Theories must be used to explain the behavior of black holes. Einstein was right about one thing, not that Quantum was wrong, but that the universe should have a logical explanation. Everything in our universe up to now has operated by following logical laws that fit in with mathematical observations. This does not mean that there will never be something that we cannot understand; it simply means that we can expect that there should be and we should study and experiment until we find it.
This persistence to find a unifying theory that mathematically unifies Quantum with Relativity led to a new theory, the Theory of Everything; String Theory. String Theory is extremely complex, and I will not be explaining it in detail, for the simple reason that I do not understand it. I will speak of only the implications of the theory; I will not be going into the actual math of the theory.
As scientists worked feverishly to find a theory to unify Quantum Mechanics and Relativity, they began to see that what the math was describing was pieces of energy so small that it is just as impossible to imagine them as it is to imagine the vastness of our universe. These particles of energy were found to be massless, pure energy termed strings. According to the math, these strings could vibrate, and move in any direction. Strings were found to be a billion billion times smaller than the atom. It was theorized that these vibrating strings make up everything in the universe. All matter is composed of these vibrating strings. The way the “string” of energy vibrates or moves determines the properties of the matter it makes up. This theory provided a viable description of gravity on the quantum level. Also known as the Graviton Particle, strings carry with them pieces of spacetime. Indeed, these particles, are the frame work of which spacetime is made.
As these particles interact with each other, they make up the 

observable universe. We are all made up of these strings in theory. Trillions and trillions of them. This explains gravity, because each string is a piece of spacetime itself, and thus the more that come together, in other words, the more dense an object is, the more spacetime it contains, and the more effect it has on spacetime around itself. The most dramatic example of this would be a black hole, which contains so much spacetime that not even light can escape its curvature of reality. Our sun is anther example; the sun contains so much space-time that it bends the space around itself and puts the planets in a continual orbit around itself. I won’t go into this any farther to spare myself sounding like a fool who doesn’t know what He is talking about, because in truth, I do not. However, there are a few more things to consider that I think are worth our time. 
String theory predicts multiple dimensions in every point of space-time because in order for these oscillating strings to be stable, they require the existence of at least 10 other dimensions. You see, there are two different kinds of strings, open-ended strings that are held in place to this realty, and closed ring strings that are not. The closed ring would be our force of gravity that can project in all dimensions. Each string that is tied down to this particular space-time membrane is composed of multiple dimensions. We exist on just one of these alternate space-time dimensions.     The only difference between the extra dimensions of our dimension is their shape.
According to string theory, shape is everything. A string vibrates in different ways thus making up all the different particles in the universe. Thus our reality is just one vibration of the multiple ways in which these strings could vibrate. So we live in a world in which certain things happened because of the way things vibrate. It could be that in the next reality over, a very different set of circumstances are observed. Everything that could happen at a certain point in space-time, does happen, just not in the same reality.
What does this say about our ability to make our own decisions? Do we live in a fixed universe that is unchanging? Is our reality predetermined? My suggestion is that this is not the case. What if God has given us the ability to exist in which ever of these dimensions we choose? In other words, our very actions alter space-time itself and determine which reality we happen to exist in. Something completely different may be happening in the reality next to you because of a decision you made differently in the past. I will explore this idea a little further in the next section of this book, but just as a spoiler alert, what if God allows all realities and possibilities to play out in which he does every alternative possible to give you the chance to choose life. Thus in heaven, if we have a question about how our life would have turned out if such and such hadn’t have happened, God will be able to show you the entire spread of time and show you that no matter which circumstances you face, you ended up making the exact same decision. Or perhaps God will bring all realities into one single reality, in which you remember yourself, every different scenario that could have happened in your life, and yet you choose Christ in every single one. The God I believe in will not let anyone be lost who, if circumstances were different, would have been saved. Everyone that would be saved will be saved.
This is possible precisely because of quantum mechanics. Because our particles can exist in any place at any time, and cannot be calculated in any way, our brain can choose anything at any time without being determined. In fact, it is impossible for us to be determined, because God has created the universe without the ability of calculation. An electron can be everywhere at once, and nowhere at the same time, thus it is possible that our intellect that makes up every decision we make can go anywhere at any time. To my knowledge, creatures with an intellect are the only things that can control any aspect of space-time around them. We literally bend reality to our will. Doesn’t this idea strike you as amazing, that God would give us such power over the universe? If this God is real, He is great indeed. Even our own free will has a reason, and is a created thing. Our very reality, free will, time, space, and existence itself, is all created. Everything has a cause, and a reason, and that cause and reason could be nothing but an infinite creator, above all, and of none. He was in the beginning, and before Him there is nothing.
So my last question for you is this, if string theory really is the theory of everything, describing every known observation in the universe, and it appears to be self-existent, doesn’t it explain away the need for God? Many seem to think so. There is only one problem with this, that is, what started these strings of energy vibrating in the first place? Even more disturbing is that these strings can actually decay. Space-time is decaying as we speak. That means that time is not eternal. You understand what that means!? Time itself is decaying. Bit by bit, piece by piece, these strings can decay taking with them both the space, and time they occupy. In order for the universe to continue, a power greater than the string must sustain it.
String theory also predicts a universe that works like a clock. The properties of these strings, that is to say, the way in which they vibrate, make up all the forces in the universe. All the constants we have in the universe, the speed of light, the electromagnetic force, and gravity, all these forces are determined by the careful balancing of the these vibrations of the strings. The universe balances on the edge of a knife, if even one of these constant forces were changed just slightly, the entire universe would break apart.
The 10 dimensions cause these forces to equal out, and help determine the constants of nature. We live in such an irreducibly complex universe. String theory does not negate the need for God; to the contrary, it shows a universe that requires Him to exist. Quite literally, if God ceased to exist, the entire universe would go to ruin. I believe, that if God ceased to exist, so would all of space-time, because the universe is an extension of the mind of God. Yet even if my theory were not true, without the clock maker to wind the clock and carefully balance its gears, the clock (this universe) would, without a doubt, end.
